Penhaligon's Moustache wax
For the cold Movember rain…
By James York, 9 October 2013
We know it's barely the end of summer but despite the soon to be brown, wrinkled leaves stubbornly clinging to their branches - the cold is coming. Before you know, it will dank, miserable and dark, but some of you will have a mission. A single-minded quest to grow a strip of facial hair. We are, of course, talking about Movember, the charity movement to build awareness for male prostate cancer, it's been building huge momentum over the last few years and enjoys an almost unrivalled brand reputation in the charity space.
This year, a host of "Mo" brands will take up the challenge, as well, and support you in your mission to moustache. Penhaligon's, the luxury grooming brand, have once again announced their commitment to offer this rather dapper mo-wax. And, for every tin sold, £2 will go to the coffers of the charity. Excellently packaged with a vintage flair, the product is as much a step back in time as it is an innovative addition to Movember's entourage. We say, grow it and shine it.
Lightly scented with Sartorial, a fougére and woody fragrance imbibed with hints of lavender, your nose will thank you for dabbing a smudge or two on that mo'. Coming soon, so visit Penhaligon's for mor information.