Welcome to the blokely app support page
*Last Updated* May 2012.
Welcome to the Blokely* App support page.
Our current version is 1.1.
We currently operate two app variants.
1) Apple
2) Android
Understanding how our apps work:
Our apps are designed to send you the content being produced by our content foundry. It will instantly sync each section when you click on the tab.
How does it work with our membership?
App users can read more free content then visitors to our traditional website. You can 14 free articles per month. The app will then ask you to create a membership, which is a snip at £3 per month. That will give you unlimited access to the app and the website.
How does it sync?
You will require 3G or WiFi signal to enjoy the most fluid user experience.
Does the content sync to my phone when I have no signal?
No. We're engineering our next version to allow you to choose content you'd like to sync, our first version allows you to browse with signal. If you are reading a story and then lose signal, that story should still be cached.
Our new and noteworthy podcasts are embedded in the app for you to enjoy on the move. They can be played or paused. We have not yet engineered more controls than that. If you want to enjoy full control, you can download them for free on the iTunes store.
As with all technology, bugs can creep in. If you experience what you believe to be a fault or bug, please report it to us as soon as possible.
For any immediate problems, please email us on typo[at]blokely.com.
Many thanks and we hope you enjoy our first apps!
Blokely HQ
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