About Us
A message from James York, founder and editor aka Founder Bloke
The question I get asked most often? What is Blokely?
Bl-oke-ly: "blokh - lee"
Blokely is an independent men's lifestyle platform, only available online (known as "pure play"). Evolving from a low-key blogging site focusing on grooming and style stories. We are now a site, which I read recently, has 'begun to challenge the mainstays of the men's consumer market.' This is pretty good, considering we have only existed in our present form for a matter of months.
I'd never found a men's lifestyle brand that I felt fully reflected my values, showed honesty and maintained a positive tone - so I decided to make one. Carpe Diem!
We can't be all things to all men, we can't promise we'll always get it right. We can promise to improve each and every week.
Our mission
Our mission is to bring a new strain of honest aspiration to the men's lifestyle market. We're focused on producing quality online content and are striving to be a hub for the things worth knowing in 2011.
We embrace social media and have a constant run of in-depth features on entertainment, music, grooming, lifestyle and sport in a straightforward style for men in their 20's and 30's (nothing stops a man in his 40's reading though!). We're the place where you'll find realistic ideas, innovative content and achievable style.
Our regular contributors include Xfm's Dave Berry, Bath and England rugby player Olly Barkley, comedian Josh Howie, ex-England cricketer Ryan Sidebottom and actress Kelly-Anne Lyons. But, we're not stopping - there's more in the pipeline.
Blokely [Charter]
We solemnly swear to:
Strive to be the best men's lifestyle site on the web
Feature a mix of quickly read and more detailed unique content
Not waste oak loads of paper
Be open, honest and engaging
To treat our readers and their details with respect
Focus on what it means to be a modern man
Consider what girls want from us men, and tell you.
Avoid salacious or brainless content
Evolve where mere print magazine mortals cannot

We're in the room and we're ready to rock...
In the press:
Visit our press page for examples of other sites loving a bit of Blokely.
Who YOU are?
· Have affluent tastes but find existing options too aspirational
· Looking for original content, across the board
· Want a lifestyle brand that you can associate with and trust
· Looking for an honest entertaining platform to visit regularly
· Like to enter winnable competitions with sought after prizes
YOU get involved - social media
You'll notice that "Join the ride" or "Spread the word" modules will pop up here and there. These appear in sections and within stories. We've also built a share panel for you. If you want to follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, track our story feed on Digg or simply get on the "new" newsletter - then the "join the ride" (or subscribe) is the hub for you.
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sentinel Quite a long time (3418 days) ago
blokely is a concept that changes the thinking of every man and makes them take more notice of products and technology which surrounds them wherever they may be in the u.k. or further afield, long may it continue where others dare to trend.